Δευτέρα 4 Ιουλίου 2011

Σαμοθράκη ένας ανεξερεύνητος παράδεισος

Παρακάτω παρουσιάζουμε μια ενδιαφέρουσα καταχώρηση για τη Σαμοθράκη με τίτλο "DINING WITH THE GODS – SAMOTHRAKI IS AN UNDISCOVERED PARADISE" στο tourism-review.com
Greece undoubtedly belongs to the most popular Mediterranean destinations; it is also one of the busiest. Holidaymakers who long to see Greece at its purest without the tourist crowd should explore Samothraki.
Greece is attracting thousands of holidaymakers every month. Thanks to its fantastic choice of mainland and island resorts it is an ideal summer destination which offers a reasonably priced vacation.
While its popularity remains more or less unharmed by the crisis, visitors admit the tourist crowd may sometimes become a burden. Those, who are willing to go slightly out of their way to discover something special, should seek out the Samothraki island.
The island is not exactly a package-type destination, however, it is secluded and tranquil, features wondrous natural beauty and amazing people who are warm and welcoming. There is no commercial airport on Samothraki, and getting there is easiest from Kavala or Alexandropouli by ferry.
The island rises up from the sea and its most significant landmark, which basically makes up the entire island is Mount Fengari (the Mountain of the Moon). Fans of Ancient Greece should not miss the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, local sacred site, which once served as a centre of a mystery cult. There is a plaster cast of the well-known statue of Nike, the ‘Winged Victory of Samothrace’ whose original remains in Louvre, Paris.
Samothraki also features many beautiful waterfalls and pools of the river Phonias. Visiting the hot springs at Loutra is a must and there are a couple of fantastic beaches on the west and east end of the island.
The two main centers are Kamariotissa and Chora; these are ideal to seek accommodation. Local tourist infrastructure is not exactly advanced and visitor should keep in mind paying by card is virtually impossible there. However, such a price is not too high in exchange for a destination of such beauty and charm.

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